We started as a YouTube Company
One Year later? Millions of Views from Videos & Thumbnails we made

Professional Video Editing
In your style
Record your day-to-day vlog &
send it over, we'll do the rest.
We'll organize clips, sync/edit the audio, add the b-roll, and add relevant animations
Only the highest quality edits, made with Premiere Pro & After Effects
Talking Head Style
Record your content in the best way you can, record the audio, and we'll manage the rest.
Like Vlogs, we'll be organizing the clips, syncing & editing the audio, adding b-roll, and add specific animations
With specific software & accommodations to your platform
Video Editing Styles
Video Editing Styles
Got a day like no others? Record your day-to-day activities & make a vlog out of it for your fans. Bonus points if you have multiple camera angles
Once recorded, just send it over and we'll handle the rest
We've built a department specialized into Minecraft content, specifically with its replay-mod plugins. That being said, always open into trying something new!
Talking Head
Need to tell a story? Record a reaction?
Talking-head is when it's just you, your camera, and your audience.
We add b-roll, cut out dead-space, and all the complexities in between.
Documentary Style
Got an amazing script that you just need to visualize? Documentary style content has b-roll and animations for the full video. Only the highest quality edits for the best writers.
Apart from your recording, we do everything.
Every creator has their own style, and we're happy to learn the unique branding & content type for your channel
Everyone is unique
A/B Thumbnail Testing
On YouTube, there's always
room for imprevement.

No matter how well a style gets, your viewers might prefer another thumbnail.

To optimize the video results, we make multiple thumbnails for the same video

YouTube tests all of them, and then shows the thumbnails that get the most results.
We use

Photoshop for Thumbnails

Premiere Pro for Video-Editing